The PI recently collaborated on an NSF research coordination network grant "RCN: Diversity in Ecology, Evolution, Marine Science and Disease. (DEEMD)" that has been funded (OCE-2305040)!
"Climate change and other human induced stressors can cause an increase of pathogens spreading between wildlife and humans. EIDs can have devastating consequences on biodiversity while also highlighting the health inequities experienced in human populations world wide. Globally, EIDs often disproportionately affect marginalized and impoverished human populations. Such disparities start long before peak disease outbreaks and extend to interactions with wildlife. Therefore, it is critical to understand the underlying ecological, and evolutionary context of disease dynamics and their impact on vulnerable wildlife and human populations. However, to accomplish this, there needs to be more equity and diversity in the scientists that are studying this very large issue. Through the development of RCN: DEEMD investigation of the intersection of basic science and social science in EIDs is being achieved by integrating approaches from EEMS. Diverse research collaborations from underrepresented groups are being elevated to help develop a better structure for integrative communication to tackle such a large issue." |
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